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The Workshop

If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram you know that we were in Palm Springs for a photography workshop! We learned more then I could have even imagined. It was put on by two couples that are my favorite photog teams (Justin & Amelia Lyon from Lyon Photography and Matt & Angie Sloan from Sloan Photographers). It was everything Kellen and I needed. We have a plan, we are on the same page, and we know how to execute now. I’m so grateful for photographers who are willing to share their knowledge and know-how. During the 3 day event we ate lots, soaked up the california sun, took photos, listened to an overload of information, and networked a lot. We had the editor of Grey Like Weddings Summer come and talk to us about how to get published, we had Kenny from fotofafa come and let us know about the awesomeness that he does! We had an amazing designer come and talk about re-branding, although my amazing designer Kari K, did an AMAZING job! Anyways, we learned a lot, met amazing people, got re inspired! It was everything we needed. And while we were down there we got to visit family, which if you don’t live by your family you know how amazing it is to see them.


So during the 1st day we had a challenge. We had to go out for 10 minutes with a couple and use what we learned, and come back and quickly choose 5 unedited photos to show to the class. Which was intimidating! They were all so awesome! (the other photographers, not our photos!) These are Kellen and my favorites from the time we had. I hope you enjoy! (and on a side not, just purchased VSCO and I’ve had it for a whole 20 minutes and its already changed my life!)






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instagram : weeno_photography & kellenperlberg!

nancy - April 17, 2012 - 7:10 pm

These are amazing!!!! Did you edit these with VSCO?

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