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over fish taco’s

Kellen surprised me tonight by making dinner.. well surprised, I don’t know about that. He does cook about 1/2 the time.. Anyways over his amazing fish taco’s and going over our summer wedding schedule I had thoughts.. And here I am. saying them to you. A little vulnerable.

In a world that has iphones, and dslr’s like we have tomatoes in the fridge, and well being in a city where there are more “photographers” per capita then any other city it makes me feel like a lost fish in the sea. Wondering what makes us different, to be honest, I’m not quite sure. At one time I felt like this what what I was going to do, and this what going to be my FULL TIME career  for sure by the time I was 27! And here I am… not 1/2 there.  There are two feelings… 1 – failure. 2 – more ambition to do it faster and better. But lets be truthful, more like a failure. I do realize that the words “success” and “failure” to different people always have different definitions..  So after 2 years of my mom being gone, us being in Portland for a year, and Kellen and I finally feeling “settled” like real adults. This is it. We are going to to do. I am going to put my heart, my soul, and try to do this. If you are reading this, you may or may not know me, we may have, or may have no taking your photos… but here is my new years resolution. To do better. To use my photos to change something, to make the people we take photos of feel loved, cared for, and feel most of all BEAUTIFUL. Please help our business grow. Tell your friends, your family, anybody. Kellen and I believe that we are supposed to do this.. Help our dreams come true. We love photography, not only because of the photos but because we really get to see love.. and we get to see people the way we think God made them.. Beautiful.


and to leave you with at least one photo….. a engagement session we did in Wisconsin.. True Love. 


Rebecca - January 28, 2013 - 12:40 am

Ashley! You do such amazing work and I know you’re going to do so much more than you every thought possible.

Emma Hynes - January 26, 2013 - 7:21 am

Oh darlin – so excited for you both!!! LET ME KNOW next time you’re in Wisconsin!! If you’re in the area anyway, I would love to throw you a few bones for some fancy photos. 🙂 Plus, we’ve got an extra bedroom for you and Kellen should you want to crash in Madtown for a bit.

Love to you both!

Elise - January 26, 2013 - 7:13 am

When I get engaged some day ill fly to Portland on a vacation and defiantly have you do our e-session! I think u rock xo keep up the good work. remember as long as u always love what u do you are a success 🙂

Jeanette - January 26, 2013 - 7:05 am

Thank you for exposing a piece of your heart. What an honor to know you and know the immense richness that lies within both of you. Your art changes things – it brings life. I know that it will continue to do so – close to home and far away – it’s an expression of who you are and that is beautiful. Thank you for making those who know you feel beautiful just by being in your lives. luv ya! Jeanetters. p.s i wanna taste one of these fish tacos.

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