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Taking The Plunge // Portland Wedding Photographers

Its funny how life works. Its funny what we think we need from life. The sense of security, or the importance of having “insurance”.  In a world where we are all meant to have conventional jobs, its hard to be an artist and feel good about yourself.

Kellen and I have been in Portland for just shy of 2 years, and its been a great 2 years. We are on our second house/basement apartment. I had a few jobs when we first moved here and Kellen got a job at a local grocery store. I decided starbucks was the place for me, I liked the sense of community. Most of the customers at my store also went to Kellens store, and it felt nice when we would go somewhere we would know someone. On Christmas we went to Wisconsin, and on the plane there I saw a customer, and on the way home from Wisconsin I saw another. It was a great feeling, and it really made Portland feel like home.

This summer we have been shooting every weekend, and my hours at the bux went way down. I still loved the social aspect, but I was getting so tired of having to juggle 3 things at once. But again, because of the security of having those checks every two weeks I thought that I should keep it. Last week I was talking to a photographer and she said something, and it resinated so loud in me that I couldn’t ignore it. She said she had to get fired from her job in order for her to go full time photographer. That God made it impossible for her not to lean on Him. I left that day, and Kellen and I started thinking of me quitting. It was almost to scary to even think about. Then I got up Tuesday, went to work, and quit.

I QUIT.. Today was my last day at starbucks, and the customers were ridiculously sweet. They showered me in love, and support and told me that I could do it. When I left, I left happy and F*@KING SCARED. So as of tomorrow, I’ll be fully self employed. No more boss’s, no more getting up at 4 AM, serving coffee, and putting photography to the side because I need the security of those weekly checks.  I’m taking the plunge, I’m doing this full time, I’m going to make my own checks. This is me telling God that I trust Him, and that I believe that I’m meant to do this. I’m ridiculously scared, and oh so excited for this new adventure…

So I’m 27, I’m self-employeed and I’m gonna sink or swim. I’m praying that I swim.


Photo taken by the amazing incredibly talented Cary Bish.

Marion from Fiji.. - August 31, 2013 - 5:18 pm

Ash you rock!! your pictures are great – thums up for your breavery ;O) greetings from Switherland

carly - August 31, 2013 - 2:04 am

Oh man! Oh, oh man! You’re gonna rule. 😀

Bruce Stefanik - August 30, 2013 - 8:33 pm

Well done! …So many people have never seen the miraculous provision of God because they never allow themselves to get in the poistion of needing to see it. Money is the easy part. God’s after something far deeper. Courage brother..

Philipp Böhlen - August 30, 2013 - 12:48 pm

Hey Ashley! It’s a long time ago since the SDC in Burtigny, but I always looked at your photographs you posted on Facebook. You WILL DO IT, you’re a great photographer and God is on your side. Go on! Blessings, Philipp

Elizabeth Cram - August 30, 2013 - 4:39 am

You can do this.

Jenn - August 30, 2013 - 1:51 am

You got this!!! When I visited you last year, Z told me as we left…”they are bleeping awesome, but there’s one piece of advice I wanna give that girl… Quit Starbucks and focus on your passions!!” Yay ash! So happy for you and Kellen!!

Denise Curtis - August 30, 2013 - 1:34 am

Oh my gosh this is so exciting!!! I’m so so sooo happy for you. And I just know you’ll do great! Congratulations on the leap of faith. You’re so much braver that many other people. Trust in God and know that he’ll provide.

Eva - August 30, 2013 - 1:23 am

I’ve seen you in action… got this!!!!

Jeanette - August 30, 2013 - 1:18 am

You WILL SWIM. I know it! So proud for and inspired by you!

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