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The Mini – Sessions

Well maybe you saw that we did mini session about a month ago in California? Well, we did. And it was great! We got a great location that we have never shot at before and we had amazing people. I am hoping to start up some mini-sessions here in Portland. So if you are in Portland, or in the area and are interested write in the comment box and we will get something going!


In the meantime, and in other news.. We have some new things coming for Weeno. And the only way its going to work is with YOU! Your help, to spread the word and tell the world. Its going to be really different, and really out of the box.  We are doing our research at the moment, getting some connections, doing some surveys and figuring out how it will work. Cryptic I know. But honestly, the only way this idea is going to work and flourish is through YOU! I need as much buzz possible, and as much talking from everyone as possible. But more on that later! 🙂


in the meantime. here are some beautiful photos!


carly - May 31, 2013 - 9:58 pm

So many happy faces! <3 <3 <3 Well done!

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