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shitty situations.


If you follow us on good ol’ Facebook you’ll notice that we keep talking about the changes that are happening. Well, they are happening! Don’t worry, we are still taking photos and we will still be there to meet all your photographic needs. It will just be a different way of going about it.

Some of you know that my mom died 2 1/2 years ago, and that brought so many things up. 2 years later I’m still processing what that means, and realizing that life goes by fast, and sometimes its sucks. but.. shitty situations inspire brilliant solutions. We want to change the way we live, the way we run our business and we are really excited to launch the new idea forWeeno. In the mean time, we need YOUR help to start the buzz. Jesus gave us some BIG ideas that are exciting and scary. With your support only will this idea work. So be ready. I’m just sayin’. We want to change the world through your wedding!

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